The barrel of the gun is the most vital part. As this provides the route to the bullet to travel when you press the trigger, if the barren is not in the right shape, then how the bullet can travel properly and reach for the target that you are aiming at? When you take back to back gun shots, excessive heat can generate. Even when you take just one gunshot, this heat can also generate. But in case of frequent gun shots, excessive heat can generate and this heat can easily start melting down the barrel. in that case, the structure of the barrel can deform and the bullet will not travel properly. To prevent this from happening, you must use the Maverick 88 heat shield. A heat shield absorbs that heat easily and keeps the barrel safe from a possible deformation.
· Enhances the protection level

The use of the heat shield also enhances the protection level for the users. When you are using that gun, there is always a chance that you might touch the barrel. If that barrel is heated enough, then you can even burn your hands. But when you have a Remington 870 heat shield installed for the gun, your hands can remain protected.
· Proper addition for your weapon
Having a shot gun has become more essential these days. Especially for those use to live at the high crime area, having a shot gun is must. This brings peace of mind and can keep your property and family protected in case of any odd situation. And when you are using such a weapon, you also need to install heat shield for it.